Thursday, March 31, 2011


Today Dave went to Long Barn to shovel snow at the cabin.  Long Barn's elevation isn't that high, and this is how much snow is still there... on March 30! 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I found out today that Kristy had her baby and he was born with a hole in his heart.  They are at UCSF where he will have surgery.  I didn't take this picture today, but since this has been on my mind,  I thought I would post one of her maternity pictures.  My thoughts and prayers are with this new mom and dad and their sweet baby boy.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Do you see what I see??  Sunshine!  It's Monday, and it's going to be a glorious week!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Yeah!  I'm finally caught up with posting.   I can't let myself get that far behind again.

Today was a family wedding shower for Shawna.  This sequence of pictures is Shawna opening her gift from Aunt Joyce... you never know what to expect from her!  It was such a cute gift idea... An apron ("Will Cook for Shoes"), fancy bra and panties, and of course to complete the outfit... high heel shoes!  As Bryan said when he saw this gift... "You gotta Love Aunt Joyce!"


The sun's out... what are we waiting for?  We should all be playing in the park or somewhere, shouldn't we??

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Getting tired of rain pictures yet??  Me too!  Today was another really rainy day... all day.  This picture is looking out my kitchen window.


Camillas always bloom when the weather outside is cold and dreary.  So the best way to enjoy them is to cut them and bring them inside the house.


This is another vintage dish that Shawna found for her wedding.

Friday, March 25, 2011


The sun was out today... for a short time anyway.  I spent my lunch time out on the playground watching kids be kids.


Happy Birthday To You!!  I am so lucky... I have the best working partner, and a very talented School Nurse!  It's Char's birthday today, and the beautiful cupcakes and cookies are from Nurse Laurie.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I got home from work just in time because it's starting to rain pretty hard.  I took this picture from inside the house looking out.  I'm not about to go outside!


Rain, rain . . . go away!  It's hard to tell from this picture, but this thunder storm was one of the biggest I've seen at my house.  This is my view from the front door.


Playground fun!


I'm ready for spring!  There is a tulip farm nearby that sells cut tulips daily.  I'm afraid after this last week of high winds and rain, their season might have ended early.


Shawna is collecting vintage dishes for the wedding.  This is a piece she found at a garage sale.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I miss him already!  Kevin was home for a week for Spring Break, but the week sped by and he is already back at school.


Right now Yosemite is a Winter Wonderland.  Unfortunately, it is closed because of landslides and power loss.  Such a shame, because I'm sure it is unbelievable!


Even though rain is predicted for this weekend, I want to go to San Francisco to the Farmer's Market.  The city is always beautiful... even in the rain.


Homework Club.  After school every day.  Who wouldn't want to go?  There's a mini candy store and a popcorn machine.  Oh... and a great teacher helping everyone with their homework.  How do I sign up?


What happened to Spring??  For a very short time the sun was shinning and blossoms were out.  Even though it is raining and windy as I type this, I am posting a picture of spring! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Katie & Lucy.  Our two cats that hate each other. . . can't even cross paths without hissing.  So their food dishes have to be separate.  Every morning they race to the laundry room to eat.  Then they run to the door to be let outside... fighting each other the whole way!


Stormy, windy, rainy, crazy weather.  Basketball games to watch all day.  It certainly is 'March Madness'.  The reflection of the TV is so vivid in my windows, I can watch from the kitchen by just looking outside!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Last Photo Shoot!  I took pictures of Nicole every month for five months.  This is probably the last time.  Soon I will be posting pictures of her beautiful baby daughter.


Gold Country... another of our favorite day trips.


Just another happy couple having a great day in Gold Country.


Santa Cruz Lighthouse.


A couple more shots from our walk in the City (San Francisco).


I'm still playing 'catch-up' with these pictures.  (I let almost a month go by.)

This is from a San Francisco Day trip.


Time for a Baby Shower for Nicole!  Kimberly made the beautiful cake.


Couldn't resist this shot at the baby shower.  Hey... a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!


If the weather looks stormy, I grab the camera gear and we hop in the car and head off somewhere ... because I love pictures with storm clouds.  This is in Half Moon Bay.


Another one from Half Moon Bay

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Lunch spot at Half Moon Bay...  another of our our favorite places!


On yet another trip to Yosemite, on the way I had Dave take a side road because I could see this farm house in the distance.  I shot this with my infrared converted camera.


This is one of my favorite pictures.  We were camping at Big Sur.  It was beautiful there, but raining.  After dinner we took a walk... and got lost.  At least I thought we were lost.  I had my point & shoot camera in my pocket (never go anywhere without a camera!!).  I took many pictures.  All were blurry because of the low light (and maybe the wine), but I love this one of Dave.  Yes... we found our way back to our little tent trailer!


If you haven't guessed it by now, I am playing catch-up!  But since I'm making all the rules in this 365 day project... it's ok!

Yosemite.  Need I say more?  My favorite place to visit.  You will be seeing a lot of this National Park... we visit it often.


You gotta love a girl who loves shoes!


His eyes say it all.  She makes him so happy. 


Car Trips
Many weekends we will just get in the car and take a car trip.  Since so much time is spent in the car, I take many pictures from the passenger seat out the car window.  Straight ahead pictures usually are not a problem, it’s the ones out the side window that I need to practice.  For those I have to ‘pan’... move the camera as I take the picture.   It is fun and certainly passes the time.


A typical evening... relaxing and watching TV.  The only difference in each evening is where Katie decides to lay.  Tonight it is in the basket!