Thursday, May 31, 2012

Up... Up... And Away!

Natalie couldn't conceal her excitement on her balloon ride!

Ok... I lied.  This was her real reaction.  I just lucked out on the other pictures!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Thanks Again!

I know I've posted before on Jennifer helping me with photo shoots.  Here is another example why an assistant is so valuable!  This little girl would not stand in front of the fence and face the camera... she just wanted to climb it.  Jennifer came up with the idea to put her on the other side.  Great idea, but also a drop-off down to the river.  Without someone standing closely, I would never have put her there.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Play Day

Stormy skies and even rain didn't stop our last day of school Play Day activities.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Life is too short

Saturday we attended the sad service for David S. who died unexpectedly at the young age of 57.  He was just weeks away from retirement, and getting ready to enjoy the three day weekend at their condo in Palm Springs.

Yesterday our plans were to do much needed yard work to get ready for Kevin's graduation party.  But you know what... life is too short.  We decided to drive to Yosemite and hike North Dome instead.

The day couldn't have been more perfect.  An avid hiker, David S. would have loved it.

Blue skies, fresh snow... and a crisp 32 degrees!

Getting closer... North Dome is on the right.

The best (and closest) view of Half Dome is on top of North Dome.

Perfect spot for lunch.

This couple's lunch view is of the Valley Floor.

On top of the world.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just Coolin' Off!

I couldn't decide whether to title this 'Cooling Off' or 'Redneck Swimming Pool'!  But I decided to give these Chico frat boys a break... after all, they had to have some smarts to come up with this idea!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Little Boys Are Made Of...

What are little boys made of?
Slugs and snails
And puppy-dogs' tails,
That's what little boys are made of.

Once Collin spotted the baby grasshoppers in the tall grass, I knew any chance I had of getting a picture of him with Micah was over.  So I took advantage of the moment (and some very good light) to capture this little boy completely fascinated by nature.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Perfect Day

Under clear blue skies, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of Chico students proudly accepted their diploma.  Kevin was among them.  Congratulations!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Graduation Day

For My Son
On Graduation Day

When you were a little boy,
I held your hand.
I guided you and protected you
as best I could.
It’s time for me to let go now.
There is some pain in that.
Still, there is also a wonderful sense
of pride and accomplishment
as I look at the young man
that you have become.
I love you, Son.
It’s time now…
Spread your wings and fly!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Strong Women

 A woman is like a tea bag.
You never know how strong she is
until she gets into hot water.

Eleanor Roosevelt

I visited my sister yesterday.  She had hip replacement surgery on MONDAY, and we had to talk her out of going to the mall so she could have a flat surface to walk!!  Luckily a nurse came by to draw blood and told her that wasn't a good idea.  But I'm happy she is doing so well.  (She gave up her pain meds after the first day.)  If you read this Linda, keep up the good work... but don't over do it!  

Friday, May 18, 2012

Bodie & Poppy

There are many reasons Collin and Micah like to visit Grandma and Grandpa... here are two of them!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Natural Light

I love the light in the late afternoon, so I am choosing that time to photograph.  This particular shoot surprised us with rain, but I still felt there was enough light to make some nice pictures.  Haley is as sweet as she looks.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dogs are easier than kids!

After last weekend I decided to switch from kid photography to pet photography!

This idea... failed.

Day 2... same idea... failed again.

"Collin, get the grass out of your mouth.  Collin, get the grass out of your mouth.  Collin!"
This idea worked with the dogs...

not so much with the kids!

Maddie... Stay!  Good girl!

Maddie... Stay!  Good girl!

Hank... Stay!  Good boy!

Gizmo, Maddie... Stay!  Good dogs!

Collin & Micah... LOVE you... you make me smile.  (When can we have a re-do??)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Special Day

Yesterday for Mother's Day Dave and I took a ride over Tioga Pass to have lunch at one of my favorite spots... the Whoa Nellie Deli.  The best part of the day?  Mom and Dad came with us.

 Ok... maybe the best part of the day was my burger!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


"Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever."


I love mother/child photographs,  and I have many.  This one of Nicole and Natalie is one of my favorites.  Natalie really wasn't in the mood to take pictures, and I snapped this one as Nicole is trying to soothe her.

Friday, May 11, 2012


Austin called me last week to ask if I would take his senior pictures.  A little last minute (he graduates in two weeks!), but for him I dropped everything and got it done.  He is the son of one of our teachers, and I've known him since he was a little boy.  He would always stop by the office and visit with me, and there was just something about him that tugged at my heart.  He has grown from a cute little boy to this handsome young man.