Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Shawna wants family wedding pictures displayed at the wedding, so I've been busy scanning and printing old pictures.  The oldest one is of my grandparents who got married in Switzerland on September 21, 1919.  Immediately after their wedding, they boarded a ship to the United States.

Monday, May 16, 2011


I had a little better luck today with Little Miss Natalie.  She slept for a very tiny bit and that's all I needed to pose her for a couple of shots. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Dave and I walked the Johansen track for Modesto's Relay for Life.  We got there in time for the luminary walk.  These candle-lit bags speak volumes.

My thoughts this evening were of my close friend, Theresa, who lost her couragous battle with brain cancer less than a year ago.


Today we had a work day at the Bayers house getting it ready for the wedding in TWO WEEKS!  (I can't believe it is that close now.)  We had a long 'to-do' list, but that didn't stop Shawna and I from taking a mini break to go see their horse and take in the spectacular view.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I got a nice surprise at work today... we celebrated my 'un-birthday'.   Laurie baked delicious strawberry and carrot cupcakes, and an array of decorated cookies... lipstick, purse, high heels, crown, diamond ring, and my favorite... a camera!  I even got to wear a beautiful tiara for the day! 

Friday, May 13, 2011


It sure is easy to fall behind in this project.  In just a blink I am already one day behind!

This morning was a ball workout at bootcamp.  Run with it... planks on it... pushups on it... inchworms on it... leg lifts with it... holding it over our heads with high knees... the list goes on and on.  45 minutes of it.  Hate it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Yesterday while taking pictures in my garden, I noticed this bee.  I wanted to see how close and clear I could get him with my funky macro filter.  Not bad, but I wish he wasn't in full sun.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Today Jane brought a few peonies from her garden for her desk at work.  At the end of the day I asked if I could take them home to photograph.  I have many, many things I should be doing instead of playing with these flowers, but it's been a long time since I just did something for myself.  It feels good!

Monday, May 9, 2011


The final choral concert for the year.  These sweet voices make my heart smile.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.  ~ Author Unknown

Happy Mother's Day!  This picture is a few years old, but is one of the very few I have of myself with my boys.  I don't need a 'Mother's Day' to feel blessed and special.  My boys make me feel that way every day.  Okay, maybe not everyday.  Maybe I do need a Mother's Day!   

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Today is the day I'm taking Natalie's newborn pictures.  I spent last week getting picture ideas, got up really early this morning (3:30 a.m.) to watch some infant photography instructional videos, drove to Ripon to borrow a few things from Darlene, got all the props ready...

Nicole called me to tell me she would be over around 1:00.  She would feed Natalie at my house, and then Natalie should be really sleepy for the pictures.  (We want a newborn to be asleep for pictures.)

However, when it comes to newborn pictures, the baby is the one in charge.  After feeding, rocking, a little more feeding, a lot more rocking we finally called it a day at 5:00!!!  This is a sampling of how my day went.  I will remember this day if anyone ever asks me to take their newborn's picture.  And you can guess what my answer will be!  (P.S.  We are going to try again next weekend.)

Friday, May 6, 2011


Bootcamp.  It's one of those love/hate things.  I hate to go.  I love it when I'm done.  I wish I could stay motivated on my own, but I can't.  Stacie, the instructor, is one of those love/hate things too!  I hate her when she says do sets of 50... I love her when she says, "and that ladies is your work out for the day!"

Thursday, May 5, 2011


(Christy... I'm caught up.  I'll start using current pictures again tomorrow!)

This was taken in Knights Ferry.  I didn't have to go far to find spring flowers!  


I'm glad I had my camera with me when I came across this open field.  The time of day was early evening and the light was starting to get low.  I waited for the tractor to get where I wanted it then snapped this picture.  It is taken just outside of Oakdale on my brother-in-law's property.



My niece sent me a message kindly reminding me that I am getting behind in my blog again.  It is so easy to fall behind!  I've been super busy with so many other things that the blog went on a back burner.  So for you, Christy, I am trying to catch up today. 

This picture is  from a few weeks ago, but it is one of the projects I am working on...  I love this little boy!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


We went to the Alameda Point Antique Faire today.  Lots and lots and lots of stuff.  We probably only made it to half the booths.  It didn't help that it was hot and our hands were full.  I bought two old suitcases and a tricycle.  My plan is to use these for photo shoots.  I was hunting for a vintage baby scale and old chandelier.  Maybe I'll find those at another antique show.