Saturday, May 7, 2011


Today is the day I'm taking Natalie's newborn pictures.  I spent last week getting picture ideas, got up really early this morning (3:30 a.m.) to watch some infant photography instructional videos, drove to Ripon to borrow a few things from Darlene, got all the props ready...

Nicole called me to tell me she would be over around 1:00.  She would feed Natalie at my house, and then Natalie should be really sleepy for the pictures.  (We want a newborn to be asleep for pictures.)

However, when it comes to newborn pictures, the baby is the one in charge.  After feeding, rocking, a little more feeding, a lot more rocking we finally called it a day at 5:00!!!  This is a sampling of how my day went.  I will remember this day if anyone ever asks me to take their newborn's picture.  And you can guess what my answer will be!  (P.S.  We are going to try again next weekend.)

1 comment:

  1. Damn! You mean I won't eventually get newborn baby photos from my Favorite Aunt Judy? ;)
    Cute pictures, even if they were frustrating to get. :)
