Sunday, October 23, 2011


I'm trying out another lens... this time it's one I already own and forgot I had! 

I was looking at Alan and Erin's wedding pictures (loved them Alan!).  I liked the background blur effect that was used for a lot of the pictures, so I e-mailed the photographer to ask what lens was used.  It was a 50mm 1.4.  Mmmm... I think I remember owning that lens!  Sure enough, there it was in my camera drawer.  I popped that puppy on my camera and the first thing I saw to practice on was, of course, Katie waiting to be fed.  (It was 5 a.m.)  So I got down on the floor to her level (I think she thought I was going to eat with her), opened up the camera to 1.4 and shot away.  I need to practice with it some more, but I did like this shot with only Lucy's eyes being in focus and the rest faded away.

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