Sunday, November 13, 2011


So yesterday Darlene and I had six mini sessions in the park with the red couch.  I never want to carry that couch anywhere again!  (Except in the snow for you Christy.)

My first session was with three little (very little!) dogs.  They reminded me of hummingbirds... in motion all the time.  I didn't see how it would be possible to get a decent picture of them.

"Sit!" and "Stay!" didn't seem to work.  They were in a park and they just wanted to run and play!

Vicki and Darlene doing their best to contain them in one place.

My final image.  (Not their real names... I just think it suited them!)

1 comment:

  1. Awww... I'll carry the couch for you! :)
    Cute picture, but I like the process pictures, too!
