Thursday, December 29, 2011


Cat vs. Child

Micah made a b-line for my bedroom knowing that he would probably find a cat on my bed.  He was right.  But it wasn't Katie (friendly), it was Lucy (unfriendly).  I couldn't help by grab my camera for a few snaps.

They meet.

They touch.

They get closer.

Everything's ok!

Lucy's had enough!

Ears back... it's time to let her out.

So after I let Lucy out, Micah raced back to the bedroom for cat #2... Katie.  I think Katie knew he was coming back for her!

Seriously Katie... is that the best hiding place you could find?

I think you've been found!

He's got her now!

Katie doesn't look very happy.

We let both cats out and went on to other things... like playing outside. 

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