Friday, February 24, 2012

Very Bad Day.

Can I have a 'Do-Over' day?
  • My camera crapped out... 
  • My computer froze ten times
  • Dave's printer isn't working
  • My printer isn't working
I didn't know any of this until this morning.  Mr. Canon service guy said I needed to send my baby in for repairs.  It is so hard to let go!  I shed a few tears at the UPS store.  The girl there had to open my packaging and take pictures of her in case she gets 'lost' somewhere in transition.  She assured me she would bundle her up safe again.   She is now on her way to the Canon repair hospital.  I don't know what is wrong or when I will see her again.  

It's time for a glass of wine!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure Cami the Canon will come back good as new! And printers and computers just suck in general. I'm sorry you had a crappy day, but I hope your glass(es) of wine made life just that much better!
    I hope to see you soon!
