Friday, June 29, 2012

E.S. - Day 3

Saturday we hiked the Rock Creek Canyon into the Little Lakes Valley and to the top of Morgan Pass.  Our elevation at the trailhead was 10,255 feet and we hiked up, up, up from there.  The high elevation kicked my butt!

The first lake we came to.

The scenery was beautiful.

Another lake.  After a while you lose track of them!

People ahead of us making it to the top of Morgan Pass.  (You can barely see them.)

Gem Lakes was our final destination.

The top of the pass looking to the other side.  The people ahead of us kept going.

The first Gem Lake.

The second Gem Lake and our lunch spot.

On our way back Dave fished.  I was too tired to stand up to take his picture!

Almost back to our car.

Before going back to camp we soaked our feet and took a long rest.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Little Stinker

I'll continue with my E.S. trip pictures tomorrow, but couldn't resist posting this one first.  I watched Natalie yesterday, and actually she wasn't a Little Stinker... she was perfect for me.  I had her 'blankie' on my head to get her attention, and this is the reaction I got!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

E.S. - Day 2

Friday we decided on a short hike to try to acclimate to the higher altitude.  We took "a journey through the oldest known living forest..." a four mile trail through the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest.  I had read about this before, and thought it was just one ancient tree... big deal.  Well... it is a whole forest of trees that are well over 1,000, 2,000 and 3,000+ years old.  In fact, the oldest living tree was discovered here in 1957.... 4,600 years old!  (I felt very young here!!)  I could go on and on because the hike included a brochure with lots and lots of information (I've included a few tidbits in some of the captions), but I will stop and just post some pictures.

These trees, many of which are thousands of years old, have been sculpted by wind, ice and extreme exposure to the elements.  Their contorted shapes seem to defy nature.

Sorry for the sun flare, but I was looking straight into the sun for this picture.

A one inch thickness of growth on a Bristlecone may take a century to accomplish. 

Because bristlecones keep their needles for so long (30-40 years), very few are dropped to the ground each year.

The trail only had an 800 foot elevation gain, but since it started at an elevation of 9,600 feet, it seemed a lot harder.  (For me anyway!)

Bristlecone grow lateral roots, but no deep tap root.  They are shallow, usually found within the first foot or two of soil.

Yes... I actually let Dave use my camera to take a picture of me!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

E.S. - Day 1

Perfect timing!  We left home Thursday morning at just the right time to make sure we were at the Whoa Nellie Dellie in Lee Vining for lunch.

Carnitas Tacos... great way to start a camping trip!

This label says it all.

Monday, June 25, 2012

So, so sad.

We came home today from a very nice trip to the Eastern Sierras.  When I checked my e-mail I got the so very sad news that one of our 6th graders ended his life.  His brother was killed last year.  I don't even want to imagine what his family is going through.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Missed You!

Eastern Sierra, I have missed you... but I will see you in about five hours!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Me at Work

You could sure tell who is the center of attention!  It was hard to get the cousins to look at me instead of Natalie, but I actually like this one better.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Crab Walk

"It is a happy talent to know how to play."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

These cousins would crab walk into the ocean waves and see who could stay the longest when a wave came.  Alex was determined to always win... and he did.  I can only imagine how much sand they collected in their bathing suits, but they didn't seem to mind.    They were having fun.

Monday, June 18, 2012


I found out something about myself... I stress and worry way too much!!  Saturday's Santa Cruz photo shoot weighed heavy on my mind.  After it was over, Jennifer and I walked to the wharf and tried to unwind.  But that didn't happen until after a shower and a glass (or more) of wine at Nancy and Bill's Aptos Beach House.  It was followed by a delicious dinner and the most comfortable bed to sleep in.  Thank you millions!! 

I had to wait in line to take a picture of this guy... he was a Master Poser!

Jennifer looking at the crowded Boardwalk... It was a perfect Beach Day.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever.  

~Author Unknown

Friday, June 15, 2012

Santa Cruz... here we come!

Jennifer and I are off early tomorrow morning to Santa Cruz for a big family photo session.  Nerves and stress got the better of me this week, but it's a lovely family and I'm sure it will go well.

This picture was taken last time I went to Santa Cruz.  There were tons of sea lions everywhere!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Yesterday I visited Joyce to see how Chuck was doing.  My plan was to bring them lunch, but Joyce made me lunch instead.  (It was much better than what I planned on bringing!)  Poor Chuck pretty much got ignored while we talked the day away.

The background in this picture is a beautiful Japanese Maple tree that used to belong to me.  It is much happier at her house.

My baby sister and best friend.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

New Sport Interest?

Dave has never shown an interest in volleyball before, yet when we were walking the Santa Cruz Boardwalk he stopped and watched for quite a while.  Hmmm... I wonder why??

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Almost The 'Big One'!

Another birthday.  Why is this one bothering me??  Cuz I know 'The Big One' is behind the next door.  Oh well... it's only a number, right??!!

Happy Birthday To Me!

Celebrating my 1st Birthday with Linda and Nancy

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Yesterday was the San Joaquin Valley Swiss Club Schwingfest in Ripon.  It's been so long since I've gone to one... my aunt even commented she was surprised I remembered how to get there! 

Swiss wrestling

The Champion!

Dad cooking the dinner brats

Friday, June 8, 2012

Little Micah Man

I know I post so many more pictures of Collin than Micah, but you have to understand why... Micah cries every time he sees me!  But the weekend I stayed at Joyce's when she was babysitting, I guess by the 2nd day Micah realized I wasn't going to eat him.  He actually sat for a (very) short time and I was able to snap a few happy faces.  He is a sweetheart.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Just living is not enough.
One must have sunshine,
freedom, and a little flower.

~ Hans Christian Andersen

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why? How?

Why would someone want to go on this ride?  How do they go on it and not be sick for the rest of the day?  I got nauseated just taking these pictures!

Monday, June 4, 2012

More Dogs!

These little guys couldn't be happier... they are on their way to the beach for the day!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dog Beach

We went to Santa Cruz yesterday.  It was such a beautiful day.  We walked the beach, the wharf,  and the boardwalk and ended up setting up our beach chairs at Dog Beach.  It was obvious the dogs love it here!

 Yes... it was obvious they love it here!

(Sorry... I couldn't resist!)