Friday, June 29, 2012

E.S. - Day 3

Saturday we hiked the Rock Creek Canyon into the Little Lakes Valley and to the top of Morgan Pass.  Our elevation at the trailhead was 10,255 feet and we hiked up, up, up from there.  The high elevation kicked my butt!

The first lake we came to.

The scenery was beautiful.

Another lake.  After a while you lose track of them!

People ahead of us making it to the top of Morgan Pass.  (You can barely see them.)

Gem Lakes was our final destination.

The top of the pass looking to the other side.  The people ahead of us kept going.

The first Gem Lake.

The second Gem Lake and our lunch spot.

On our way back Dave fished.  I was too tired to stand up to take his picture!

Almost back to our car.

Before going back to camp we soaked our feet and took a long rest.

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