Friday, July 13, 2012

Oldies But Goodies

This has been a summer of going (almost) nowhere, so I find myself revisiting old picture files.  (If I've posted these before, I'm sorry.)

This picture was taken at Trumbull Lake when we camped there a couple of summers ago.  I woke up really early and took a little walk with my camera.  I kicked myself for not grabbing the tripod, because the light was really too dark to be hand holding a camera.  The light changes so quickly, I knew if I ran back to get it I would miss this picture.  It's a little blurry, but is still one of my favorites from that trip.

This is from the same trip, but a different early morning (I remembered my tripod).  There is a reason photographers like early morning and early evening.  The light.  If I took this same picture at noon it would have a completely different look.

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