Monday, July 30, 2012

Otter Pops

It wouldn't be summer without Otter Pops.  I can't tell you how many of these Kevin can eat!  He likes them a little 'slushy', not frozen hard, so his ritual is to take them out of the freezer at night to thaw, and when I get up in the morning there is a little 'sticky note' on the counter that reminds me to put them back in the freezer.  Then in the evening they are the perfect consistency for him!  (I have to admit I like them that way too!)

A few weeks ago when I had the boys for the day, while Micah was taking a nap, Collin and I enjoyed a warm summer day with a couple of Otter Pops.  It was nostalgic... seems like just yesterday that was Kevin and I.

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